What does aerofi do?

Develop and enable development of aerospace products from Indian platform for global markets, working with Indian and global aerospace entities.

Aerofi, as a company, can do anything that any other company can do, with a restriction that all profits shall be ploughed back to the company for carrying out its goals.

Run aerospace product development programmes as programme manager or consortium coordinator.

Create nucleus and complementing infrastructure; Use existing Indian aerospace infrastructure where available or where it is being created; use global aerospace infrastructure, where required.

Sell aerospace products, developed from Indian platform, in India and globally as programme manager or consortium head.

Undertake Indian and global aerospace product development projects.

Develop and sell aerospace IPs and licenses to earn royalties.

Undertake paid research and development for Indian and overseas organizations.

Run aerospace product related training programmes and internships by associating with Academic Institutions

Undertake aviation & aerospace consulting.